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  • Enter the title of the ad, its description, select state, city, category, subcategory and other ad related information.
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  • Submit your ad by clicking on 'Post Ad'. On posting the ad, you get a confirmation email to your mail account if your account is verified.
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What makes an ad more responsive?
  • A good title will attract more visitors to your Ad, Mention important keywords in title.
  • Write the description in detail.
  • If you are flexible on price,state in your title or description that you will accept 'best offer'.
  • Provide your contact details correctly.
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Pueblo, COGreenville, SCMilwaukee, WIAugusta, GAWilmington, NCCleveland, OH
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Bakersfield, CAMadison, WIMemphis, TNPittsburgh, PADothan, ALJacksonville, FL
Rockford, ILLynchburg, VABaltimore, MDWichita, KSPensacola, FLMiami, FL
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